Protect your boiler
    and ensure peak performance.

Steam blowdown separation solutions.

Industrial Boiler & Mechanical is a leading manufacturer of packaged boiler blowdown systems and blowdown separators, which provide automatic or manual purging of solid materials and dissolved impurities that can impair boiler performance. Boiler blowdown systems are absolutely essential for avoiding scale and sludge buildup which can cause clogged piping, boiler hot spots, and degraded heat transfer performance.

With hundreds of successful boiler system installations, Industrial Boiler and Mechanical can ensure your boiler is optimized for steam blowdown maintenance. We can train your boiler operators to accurately perform scheduled blowdowns, or completely automate your system with status monitoring and automatic purging. Our inventory of Penn Separator Equipment compliments our in-house fabricated blowdown systems.

blowdown separators pressure tested at IB&M

14 new blow down separators fabricated and hydrostatic pressure tested by IB&M.

How Steam Blowdown Separation Works

Boiler operation is a highly efficient process that allows only pure water to escape the boiler in a gaseous state. Any minerals or impurities that were previously in the water remain in the boiler where they eventually form into sludge. This sludge must be periodically drained either through the blowdown fitting located on the lowest point of the boiler or through continuous/surface blowdown.

Steam blowdown frequency is dependent on the quality of the water source, i.e. whether you're running hot water or soft water. The IB&M Engineering Division can test the hardness or softness of your water source and recommend a suitable blowdown system.

We also offer extensive water treatment equipment, including Lakeside water softeners and reverse osmosis systems, which can improve the quality of your boiler's water, reduce blowdown rates, and improve boiler life.

Contact our Equipment Sales division today at (855) 753-BOILER for more information on our packaged boiler blowdown separator systems, blowdown tanks, and blowdown valves.

One call does it all:

(855) 753-BOILER

IB&M offers single-source sales, emergency rental, field service and repair of boilers and boiler room equipment.

Steam Plant Equipment from IB&M

 Explore our variety of auxiliary boiler room equipment options, then contact us to let one of our experts help you select the right pieces for your system.

What Kind of Equipment Can We Help With?

Our experts are ready to address your steam plant needs.


Serving industry over 30 years


IB&M has completed over 13,000 successful boiler projects since 1987 for companies across a variety of industries. Through countless outages and critical system shut downs, our priority has always been accuracy, efficiency, and absolute customer satisfaction.




As a leader in steam plant solutions, IB&M offers single-source sales, emergency rental, field service and repair of boilers and boiler room equipment.

industrial boiler sales


New & used boilers, auxiliary boiler room equipment

industrial boiler rental


Packaged boilers shipped and installed within 48 hours

industrial boiler service


Boiler installation, startup, combustion service & more

industrial boiler repair


In-house and emergency field service for all types of boilers


Contact us today at (855) 753-BOILER for more information on our packaged boiler blowdown separator systems, blowdown tanks, and blowdown valves.