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Is Low NOx a low priority?

While the new federal budget proposal is aimed at reducing duplicate EPA oversight of state compliance regulations, industrial facilities and boiler operators should be prepared to continue efforts to meet low NOx emission requirements. States including California, and those in the northeast with strict NOx regulations have affected positive changes in the manufacturing of boiler design efficiency, low NOx and ultra low NOx (ULN) boiler technology, better fuel efficiency, and emissions monitoring for a cleaner and safer environment.

What does it all mean?

It is most likely that while budget cuts, if approved, may reduce compliance enforcement efforts from a federal level, the idea in play is that a shift will occur to state agencies and industry associations for governance instead – not that low NOx emission standards will be eliminated. The White House has stated that despite EPA funding cuts, programs to track greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles, factories, power plants and other sources would continue to receive funding in the budget proposal.

Whether you believe in climate change or not, or support the idea that the EPA should be involved more or less than current levels, the bottom line is that more efficient, technologically advanced low NOx boiler systems are a cost saving investment – more efficient boiler equipment equates to less fuel required for operation – and emission standards are going to continue to be a factor despite the agency ultimately responsible for compliance oversight.

It pays to learn how low NOx boilers, burners and equipment can improve efficiency, save fuel costs, and lead to a cleaner environment, even if there’s no audit forcing your hand to comply.


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